Rose Hill Florist

Rose Hill Florist

Experts in the Art of Expression | Rated 4.9 on Wedding Wire

Bee-Friendly Flowers Are Beautiful

Rose Hill Flowers is enamored of the humble worker bee---and we think you should be, too. After all, this industrious little insect pollinates at least 90 commercially-grown crops, as well as 80% of all flowering plants. Without them, we'd be missing everything from apples and avocados to coffee and carrots. Over millions of years, bees have adapted into efficient machines for transporting both nectar and pollen back to their colonies, which can consist of anywhere from 10,000 to 60,000 bees. There, they turn that nectar into honey and bee bread, a nutrient-rich food source. And along the way, they pollinate thousands and thousands of plants, which is the only way those plants will grow. How do they do it? Read More about Bee-Friendly Flowers Are Beautiful »
Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on August 13, 2018 Uncategorized