Rose Hill Florist

Rose Hill Florist

Experts in the Art of Expression | Rated 4.9 on Wedding Wire

Special Secret Santa Gifts

.single #maincontent .img-featured { object-position: top; } If you're participating in Secret Santa this year, lucky you. This group gift swap has a long and storied past; in the U.S., it was inspired by a 20th century philanthropist who generously distributed $100 to strangers in a Kansas City street. Elsewhere, anonymous holiday giving has been a long-standing tradition. In Latin America, it's called "Secretos Amigos," in Ireland, "Kris Kringel." No matter where it's played, the premise remains the same: a giver's identity remains concealed, keeping the focus on the act of giving rather than the individual responsible for it. We at Rose Hill Flowers have put together a couple of gift ideas that will make your Secret Santa gift stand apart from the rest. Read More about Special Secret Santa Gifts »
Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on December 1, 2017 | Last Updated: November 9, 2020 Uncategorized