Rose Hill Florist

Rose Hill Florist

Experts in the Art of Expression | Rated 4.9 on Wedding Wire

Galentine’s Day Bouquets For Your Besties

If you've never heard of Galentine's Day, allow Rose Hill Flowers to introduce it to you. In a 2010 episode of NBC's Parks and Recreation, the idea of a day reserved strictly for celebrating the love between girlfriends was born when main character Leslie Knope took all of her ladies out to lunch and proclaimed it "Galentine's Day . . . only the best day of the year." Ever since, the notion of making February 13 a day for the ladies to show their love has been adopted by more and more women, who spend the day hosting their own long lunches or making it a true girl's night out. Read More about Galentine’s Day Bouquets For Your Besties »
Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on January 15, 2018 Uncategorized