Rose Hill Florist

Rose Hill Florist

Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on August 17, 2017 | Last Updated: August 20, 2017 Uncategorized

September Inspiration for Birthday Bouquets

birthday bouquets

Sapphires and asters are the official ambassadors for the month of September, inspiring beautiful birthday gifts and birthday bouquets. And while giving your favorite September celebrant a beautiful sapphire gem may not be possible, you can create an arrangement inspired by the brilliant blue color of the stone. A floral arrangement which features asters is also a great choice for September birthdays!

To celebrate the spirit of September celebrations, we’ve assembled some interesting trivia about sapphires and asters. And when you are ready to send a gift, ask one of the floral experts at Rose Hill Flowers about ideas and suggestions to include asters or other blue-hued flowers in your birthday bouquets.

birthday bouquets

    Trivia Facts: Sapphires

  • Originally discovered in India and Thailand – but now known around the world – sapphires occur in a variety of colors, ranging from pinks and oranges to deep violets. It is the brilliant blue color, however, which is the most popular and thus the most valuable variety.
  • Sapphires have always been associated with universal and divine connotations. In fact, Ancient Egyptians believed the blue color of the sky came from the reflection of celestial sapphires.
  • Sapphires were cherished among priests and kings during the middle ages because they symbolize wisdom and purity.

    Here’s a Tip: To create birthday bouquets incorporating sapphire blue flowers, consider delphinium, larkspur, iris, orchids, or forget-me-nots.

birthday bouquetsFun Facts About Asters

  • This September flower derives its name from its star-shaped petals (Aster means “star”). The flower is related to both the daisy and the sunflower.
  • Like sapphires, asters come in a wide range of colors – but every color has the same yellow disk center.
  • The aster blooms in late summer and early fall, making it the perfect symbol of September birthdays.

    As you consider the perfect gift for your September celebrants in Nashville this month, think about including sapphire blue flowers or asters in your birthday bouquets. Talk to the floral designers at Rose Hill Flowers for more ideas and inspiration.