Rose Hill Florist

Rose Hill Florist

Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on September 16, 2016 Uncategorized

Rosh Hashanah Flowers and Traditions

Rosh Hashanah Flowers

The Jewish community is preparing to observe Rosh Hashanah, one of the High Holy Days on the Jewish calendar. The Hebrew Rosh Hashanah is translated “head of the year”  and is, in fact, the Jewish New Year. The holiday provides a time of self-reflection and prayer to best move forward into the new year. Two days of celebration begin on the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Jewish calendar – this year, it will begin at sundown on Sunday, October 2. The holiday incorporates customs which are both deeply spiritual and festive, with traditional meals shared with friends and family. If you are looking for a bouquet to bring to the celebration, look no further than Rose Hill Flowers.


Rosh Hashanah flowers

For practicing Jews, the majority of the holiday is spent at the synagogue, with morning, afternoon and evening services and services. The services generally include the blowing of the shofar, or ram’s horn, which is a call to repentance for all the faithful. A special prayer book called the machzor is used specifically for this holiday and offers prayers asking for forgiveness and blessing. When the family gathers for the Rosh Hashanah meal, there are several foods traditionally on the table. Apples dipped in honey is perhaps the most popular, and the sweetness of the treat is meant to signify hope for a sweet new year. Challah bread is baked either in two loaves to represent the two portions of manna given to the Israelites before each Sabbath, or in a round loaf to represent the circle of life. Pomegranates are often eaten as well, as legend says the fruit has 613 seeds, corresponding with the number of commandments in the Torah.

Rosh hashanah

Blue or white bouquets and floral designs are customary – blue represents divinity, and white signifies a new beginning. However, many people choose a centerpiece of homey, warm fall colors and add fruit and natural accents such as berries and wheat to compliment the meal. But whatever way your family celebrates Rosh Hashanah, the perfect flowers for the occasion are at Rose Hill Flowers .We wish all of our Jewish friends and neighbors L’Shanah Tovah – a good new year!

Rebel Hill Florist is proud to serve the greater Nashville and Crieve Hall communities.