Rose Hill Florist

Rose Hill Florist

Posted by Rose Hill Flowers on April 14, 2017 | Last Updated: April 17, 2017 Uncategorized

Floral Arrangements for Nurses & Teachers

floral arrangements

May 6 and May 9 are both set aside to honor some very important people here in Nashville – nurses and teachers, respectively. The dedicated individuals who have chosen these professions work tirelessly for the good of others, yet often receive very little recognition or thanks. Rose Hill Flowers is your perfect partner to change that – this year, send beautiful floral arrangements that will applaud teachers and show gratitude to nurses for everything they do for this community.floral arrangementsKeeping Count: At the time of the last census, both teachers and nurses coincidentally saw their nationwide membership at about 3.1 million.

Did You Know? British-born Florence Nightingale is thought to be the mother of modern nursing and is the inspiration for National Nurses Week. The annual observance celebrates those who have chosen this noble profession. It begins on May 6, with National Nurses Day and ends on May 12, Ms. Nightingale’s birthday.

Ask anyone who has had a stay in the hospital, no matter the cause, and they will very likely tell you that they had an amazing nurse. Nurses have professional medical skills and knowledge that make them indispensable members of the staff – but all that expertise is tempered by their compassion and genuine affection for their patients. Nurses are some of the strongest and most resilient men and women we know, working in very emotional jobs simply because they care.  Gorgeous floral arrangements from Rose Hill Flowers are vivid reminders that what they do everyday matters!

Gift Idea: Art Hearts are unique gifts with inspirational messages for every occasion.
floral arrangementsFast Fact: National Teachers Day was instituted in 1953 when Eleanor Roosevelt petitioned Congress for its passage.

National Teachers Week is May 7 through May 13, with National Teachers Day falling on May 9. Teachers may be the quietest and humblest heroes of our communities. Helen Caldicott, a famous social activist, once said: “Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society – because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.” If your child or young adult currently has a fantastic teacher who encourages and challenges them – or if you still remember your favorite teacher from years ago – give Rose Hill Flowers a call to arrange for a gift of appreciation that will touch their heart. Because everyone loves to be recognized and thanked for what they do.